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Our Campaign

The purpose of the All Pointe Against Bullying campaign is to raise awareness of the excessive amount of bullying that takes place in schools and the workplace as well as the different ways in which it happens. Our goal is to educate students, administrators, and staff on how to detect warning signs that can prevent bullying as well as knowing how to respond when an incident occurs.
Bullying takes a toll on our mental/physical health and can impact children the same way it impacts adults. Studies have shown that bullying affects our social skills, work ethic, and self-esteem. It has been found to cause depression, anxiety, and in extreme cases, suicide.
Here at All Pointe, our aim is to educate individuals on how to behave appropriately by teaching them how to treat their fellow peers and coworkers. Furthermore, we wish to encourage people to seek help if they are a victim of bullying. If we can put an end to bullying at a young age, our society will drastically improve.

How You Can Help

You can help end bullying by following some very basic steps:
• Know the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behavior exhibited by your classmates/coworkers. If it is safe and appropriate to do so, encourage your peers to evaluate what they have said or done and educate them on why the behavior is not acceptable.
• Report any unwanted or inappropriate behavior to your superior. In school, this could be a teacher, a guidance counselor, or any other trusted adult that works at the school. At work, this could be your direct supervisor. If needed, it is acceptable to go up the chain of command or even to a law enforcement officer. These complaints are taken very seriously and will never go unheard.

Types of Bullying and Harrassment you Could be Exposed to Without Realizing :


When an individual or a group of people repeatedly and intentionally cause harm to another person or group of people who feel helpless to respond


The use of electronic communication to bully an individual, which is typically done by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature

Workplace Harrassment

A hostile environment can result from the unwelcome conduct of supervisors, co-workers, customers, contractors, or anyone else with whom the victim interacts with on the job. The unwelcome conduct renders the workplace atmosphere intimidating, hostile, or offensive

Human Trafficking

The practice of illegally transporting people from one location to another, typically for the purposes of forced labor or sexual exploitation

If you think you may be a witness or victim of any of the following, there are steps you can take. Follow our tips and contacts for ways you can help make things better.

Signs your child or someone you know is being bullied at school

• Reluctance to get out of bed
• Changes in sleeping or eating patterns
• Complaints of stomach aches or unexplained pain
• Reluctance to go to school
• Frequent mood swings, tantrums, and anxiety
• Requests extra pocket money or food
• Fear of walking to school or changes of their route without warning
• Arriving home hungry
• Unexplained bruises, scratches, and or cuts
• Missing or damaged clothes and / or possessions
• Unwillingness to discuss what is wrong

What you as a Parent Can Do


    • • Stay Calm-Stay Positive: Your child will not feel that they can confide in you in the future if you initially react with anger
      • Talk with the School: Make sure the administrators and teachers at your child’s school are aware of what is going on
      • Talk to Your Child: Assure your child that they can always come to you when something happens
      • Seek Help on Behalf of Your Child: Ask your child if they would like to speak with their guidance counselor or a therapist. Call local authorities if necessary
      • DO NOT Schedule a Meeting with the other students Involved


Warning Signs


  • The child seems nervous when receiving a message of any kind (e-mail, text, direct message, etc.)
  • Reluctance to share information regarding their online activity
  • Suddenly closing out of apps or devices all together when someone comes in the room
  • Uneasiness about going to school or pretending to be ill
  • Significant decline in academics
  • Decline in physical health
  • Oversleeping or not sleeping enough
  • Often calls from school asking to go home
  • Significant weight gain or loss.
  • Unexplainable anger and depression
  • Unexplainable stomach aches and headaches
  • Appears lonely and distressed
  • Withdrawal from friends and family offline
  • Loses interest in things they once loved
  • Suicidal thoughts or actions
  • What You Can Do


  • DO NOT take away your child’s devices or blame them. This will not teach them online safety
  • Listen: Empathize with your child. Let them know that they can talk to you anytime. Discuss how they wish to address the problem. Do not do anything until the best course of action has been decided
  • Stay Calm- Don’t Panic: Do not act on your emotions by blaming them or taking their device(s) away. Let your child know they can talk to you without feeling they are going to get into trouble
  • Empower Your Child: Build your child’s confidence by surrounding them with a support system (friends, family, coaches, etc.). Connect them to a guidance counselor or a therapist if you feel they are not opening up to you 
  • Collect Evidence and Report: Take screenshots before the content is deleted. Collect as much evidence as you can so you can prove how long the harassment has been going on. Encourage your child not to respond to their bully and if they already have, encourage them not to continue responding. Report what you have collected to the school administrators or law enforcement if necessary. You can also report abuse through social media apps which flags the attacker’s activity 
  • Act on Threats: If your child is threatened or says they are going to harm themselves, call the local authorities 
  • Encourage Positive Coping Strategies: Encourage your child to stay involved with things that make them happy such as extracurricular activities, sports, etc.
  • Stay Aware: Check in with your child often
  • Workplace Harassment

    Types of Harrassment

        • Discriminatory: Harassment for reasons such as race, gender, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation
        • Personal: Any behavior that creates an intimidating or hostile environment such as offensive jokes, humiliation, inappropriate comments or gestures, and intimidating actions
        • Psychological: Examples include belittling victim’s ideas and contributions, discrediting victims, or spreading rumors about them
        • Power: When the harasser uses their authority to intimidate someone. Actions include assigning tasks with deadlines that are impossible to meet and intrusion on personal life (i.e. taking work home)
        • Retaliation: When the attacker finds out who made a complaint about them and prevents that person from making further complaints through threats or manipulation
        • Sexual Harassment: Examples include sexual comments, jokes, questions or gestures, invading space in a sexual way, inappropriate touching, and offering new opportunities in return for sexual favors

    How You Can Help

    As a Boss:

        • Train your staff on what is / is not appropriate.
        • Advise employees of their rights.
        • Provide a safe and confidential place for your employees to go to talk to someone.

    As an Employee:

        • Be aware of your rights
        • Report any abuse or harassment to a trusted individual
        • Keep evidence or a log of each time the abuse or harassment occurs 

    Human Trafficking

    Warning Signs



        • Unexplained absences from school.
        • Suddenly dresses inappropriately. 
        • Dating someone much older than them.
        • Signs of physical abuse such as burns, cuts, or bruises.
        • Showing signs of gang affiliation (gang symbols, aggressive notebook drawings, or wearing only certain colors).
        • Invites friends to where they hang out with their new crowd.

    What You Can Do



    National Suicide Prevention Hotline


    Crisis Text Line (U.S. Only)

    text HELLO to 741741

    Depression and Bipolar Support

    800-273-TALK (8255)

    Crisis Call Center

    800-273-8255 or
    text ANSWER to 839863

    National Domestic Violence Hotline

    800-799-SAFE (7233)

    Crisis Call Center

    800-273-8255 or
    text ANSWER to 839863

    National Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence Prevention


    Call Now Button